Production of six products Supplies series of
(1).5 gallons of bottled water series: Bottled water sealing shrink film, smart cover security film,barrels labeled plastic bags.
2).Bottled drinks、drinking water label series: mineral water tag, purified water labels, beverage labels, fruit juice labels.
(3).Seasoning bottle label series: chili sauce label, fermented bean curd label, soy sauce labels.
(4) The chemical product label: label detergent, disinfectant label, pesticide labels, pesticide labels.
(5) Multi-layer plastic film series: Food composite bags, composite bags of dry goods packaging, and preservation of composite bags, composite membrane, automatic packaging membrane.
(6)LPG cylinder seal Anti-counterfeiting series: heat shrink sealing film (sealing label, shrink labels), the sealing plug (cylinder plugs, stoppers)
Certification :High shrinkage, low shrink temperature, wide shrink temperature range, high shrink speed, good coloring, easy to printing with different colors and pallerns. high transparency, high tear propagation. Good seal, water proof, moistureproof, can prolong the life of goods. packing for big and small mineral, drinking, article of everyday use( cosmetics, shampoo). we can satisfy with the demand of packing special-shaped goods. 本公司生产PVC热收缩膜、矿泉水热收缩标签、 热收缩套标、 饮料标签 、液化气封口膜 、燃气钢瓶标签、 热收缩标签、 塑料不干胶标签 、矿泉水贴标、 PVC塑封 、热收缩膜标签、 饮料瓶商标 、 酒标、 油桶标签、 酱油等调味品标 、小瓶标 、化妆品、洗涤剂、清洁剂、消毒剂、杀菌剂、杀虫剂的农药标签 ,质量保证,欢迎咨询洽谈。 热缩标签由于它的防水性好,不易脱落的优点,所以广告效果好,只要瓶子在,热收缩标签都在免费为您做着产品的广告。